Sixth Year at St Louis
Sixth year is the final year for our students. The girls are taught how to achieve a successful work life balance, to get their work done without becoming too stressed about the exams. Each student takes 7 academic subjects and also has timetabled Religion, PE and Guidance.
To ensure parents are kept up to date the girls get a monthly report to help to keep them on task, and to address issues as they arise rather than letting them build. There is a Parent Teacher Meeting in the first term.
The girls work hard but also get to enjoy special moments including the Christmas concert and their final day. As part of the learning process the students get the opportunity to visit a working business, go to Irish and foreign language productions, see a Shakespearean play, and practise for oral end music exams with external examiners to ensure they are suitably prepared for the exams.
The girls spend time looking at career options and are guided through the many different application processes there are. If a student wishes to travel abroad for university they are guided through that process too.