

The NPCPP has set up a helpline for students and parents to answer questions ab out CAO, Leaving Cert results etc – feel free to give them a call.


The Helpline is provided courtesy of the NPCPP in association with the Irish Independent, the Department Of Education and supported by the GAA. The Institute of Guidance Counsellors are employed to provide qualified guidance counsellors to give advice and support to both students and their parents. The remaining dates and times for the 2020 Helpline are as follows:

  • Thursday 10th September       11am – 2pm
  • Friday 11th September            12pm – 8pm
  • Saturday 12th September        11am – 5pm
  • Monday 14th September          11am – 5pm
  • Tuesday 15th September         11am – 2pm
  • Wednesday 16th September    11am – 2pm



Leaving Cert students may feel third level is their only route, but with so many options and flexibility available in PLC, apprenticeships and traineeships, there’s a new world to explore.

Following Leaving Cert results this week, along with first round CAO offers to follow shortly, students will be considering their next step. With a system that often favours straight to university, many students may not even realise that there are several other pathways that can lead to the same career result.

Many universities, colleges and Institutes of Technology have programmes in place to recognise FET qualifications as a route to entry. If a student completes a PLC programme with good results and meets specific criteria, they have a good chance of securing a place on a third level course.

Three FET programmes of particular interest for Leaving Cert students are Post Leaving Cert Courses (PLC), and learning on-the-job through programmes such as apprenticeships and traineeships.

Whatever your chosen path, Further Education and Training can take you there.
Find out more at and read some of the stories of past FET learners here.