Here is some information from Get Fresh about the use of a prepaid card in our school canteen.
Our ‘’ Touch Top Up ‘’ supported cashless system is our cashless solution where each student will
simply present their contactless card to pay for any transactions within the canteen. This system will
eliminate the students from receiving cash from parents on a daily basis. Instead, parents / students
can upload money onto their account where it is stored safely and ready for use to be spent within
the school canteen.
Advantages of the Cashless System:
Faster service with shorter queues and no delay waiting for change.
Easily topped up online from Smartphones, Tablets and PC’s.
Convenience of not searching for money at the till.
Parental Control of expenditure with online report available showing all items
Eliminates risk of student losing money.
All money is stored securely in student’s account and not on the card.
Lost or stolen cards can be cancelled immediately once reported and the remaining
balance transferred onto a new card.
From a hygiene perspective moving to cashless is a safe decision.
Pre order prepay online feature mitigates the need to queue in the canteen.
Cost Involved:
Get Fresh Catering will provide students with a card incorporating encrypted RFID technology
ensuring secure communication. This card will contain a unique serial number enabling the student
and parents set up their personalised online account. The card will remain valid for 6 years from
date of registration of the online account. Get Fresh will facilitate the card being topped up at the
till in school if necessary. The card will cost €10.00 with this paid by student or parents. If a card is
stolen a replacement card will cost €10.00 paid by student or parents. However, the balance of your
card will be transferred onto your new card. Each top up made to your card will be charged an
administration fee of 50c to offset charges for licencing, hosting, maintenance, 3D transaction
security and facilitating 24/7 access to topping up. Parents and students can mitigate the
administration charge by topping up less frequently. All money in the Parents / Students accounts
remains their money until spent in the canteen. Get Fresh will discount the card cost for families
with more than one student in school. Credit Card details will not be stored or accessible by Get
Fresh Catering.
Cards will be delivered to the school for distribution and collection of payment from students and
Each student or parent will then log / register their card by logging onto the Website:
Click Sign Up and fill in details
Click Create account
Enter account number – from the back of your card
Click continue
Click Top up account
Tick amount and top up now
This will also show parents / students
1. Their transaction history.
2. Daily / weekly spending.
3. What item was purchased on a typical day.
It is important to highlight that once the cashless system is approved by the School and Get Fresh
Catering, only the use of the cashless cards will be accepted to purchase items within the canteen.
However, Get Fresh Catering will accept cash payments for 2 weeks after installation allowing
students to get their cards registered and set up to use. Get Fresh Catering will not accept cash
payments after this time. This system will only be offered on the basis the sales in the canteen are
exclusively through the Cashless System.
A leaflet will be distributed next week to your daughters to assist you with the process.