Following on from the Le Chéile conference in February word came back to St Louis about plans set there by student reps Ugochi Enyoazu and Orlaith Harrison for the Pay it Forward campaign organised by the Trust each year. Our day started with Random Acts of Kindness from students to other students and teachers. Many girls found notes with positive messages on them in their lockers when they came in this morning and the teachers wer given notes thanking them – and some chocolate eggs to wsweeten the message!  This work was carried out by the Student Council.

Then it was Multicultural Day – no one needed to bring any lunch as there was a wealth of wonderful food available – from Mrs Doyle cups of tea, to Ethiopian coffee, to Somalian samosas, to Nigerian meat pies, to Pakistani pakoras, to good old Tayto sandwiches! Thank you to all our students and their families for sharing their cultures and enjoying a wonderful lunchtime together.

Finally the term ended with a moving and spiritual prayer service in the Chapel Hall.  Organised by Ms Sherry, Ms Killoran and Mrs Drumgoole, there were readings and video clips reminding the school community of the message of Easter.  Music was provided by sixth year students and the school chamber choir and Fr Brian finsihed the service with some prayers for all.

Ms Dolan wished all the St Louis family a happy, Holy and safe Easter break. She thanked God for all the blessings visited on St Louis this year, the building work, the excellent WSE and the work to come in the summer break. She thanked the teachers, the SNAs and all the ancillary staff for their dedication all term. She praised the student body for their diligence and hard work and told how highly the WSE Report spoke of them.

We wish all our St Louis families a lovely break. We look forward to meeting you again at our May Concert, Awards Night and Graduation Mass in the final term.