Dear Parents / Guardians- a message from the Principal & Senior Council

Please remind all students to bring their St Louis Keep cups, own lunch box  & cutlery for use in the canteen.

We greatly reduced the level of waste being generated in the school last year but habits have slipped over the summer and Canteen staff report low-levels of compliance since our return to school. We need your support to encourage students to get back on board.  

Every student is entitled to a free breakfast and a subsidised lunch- all they have to do is bring a re-useable lunchbox ( plastic takeaway box or equivalent) and leave it in the Canteen at Breakfast time when pre-ordering to speed up the queues. 

The food is home-made,  freshly prepared onsite and in line with healthy-eating policies- we would love to see all students availing of the funding provided it is as much as  €10 per week , per student.

Thank you