The school received the following clarification from Bus Eireann recently. If there is a red alert announced in the local area then Bus Eireann services will not run in that case. Please be aware that this is not an issue at present, but just a message given that the weather may be inclement at this time of year. The school will always issue its own text if the school is closed, but the bus company decides whether or not the bus will run.
Red means STOP
(in affected areas)
Services provided under the School Transport Schemes
(Bus Éireann school buses and Contractors services)
As a precaution against severe weather and in the interest of child safety, Bus Éireann introduced a policy applicable to all school transport services that it provides under the Department of Education and Skills School Transport Schemes – for ALL Met Éireann Status Red weather events.
This means that when a Red alert is issued by Met Éireann for the area in which you live – or an area to which your child/ren are travelling to on a school bus – the services will not operate.
This policy is available on the School Transport section of the Bus Éireann website at A Status Red weather warning automatically means all school transport services provided by Bus Éireann under the School Transport Schemes are cancelled – in the affected areas – while the warning is in effect.
Weather warnings are carried on all national and local news bulletins.
Red means STOP
(in affected areas)
While Bus Éireann may not be providing school transport services because of this new policy, it understands that when any severe weather is forecast it remains for each individual school to decide whether that school should close or not.
Guidance on school closure – provided by the Department of Education and Skills and contained in the Government’s Winter Ready publication – includes specific guidance where there is a Status Red alert relating to strong wind and storm conditions. The Department of Education and Skills guidance to schools in the event of severe weather is available on
Thank you for taking the time to read this information.
Yours sincerely,
Bus Éireann