Extra Curricular Activities

We encourage all staff to get involved and enjoy developing extra-curricular activities & sports.  Below we’ve included some photos of the extra curricular activities that take place in our school.

Mass Of Thanksgiving For Sisters’ Of St Louis

BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition

Teacher Ms O. Muldoon with her students Jona, Claudine and Iman

U-16 All Ireland Basketball Champions 2022

The Louis roar was heard all around the National Basketball Arena yesterday as our U16 basketball team were crowned All Ireland Champions in a nail-biting basket-for-basket match against Piper’s Hill.

St. Louis Dundalk 57-50 Piper’s Hill.

Despite a tough physical battle, our girls’ determination shone through as they covered every inch of the court in offence and defence. They say that ‘teamwork makes the dream work’ and our panel of 16 girls have been training hard since September for this day.

Special mention must be made to Sofia Fernandez Bustos who won MVP with a personal tally of 34 points.

Thank you girls for being such fantastic ambassadors for our school, inspiring a whole new generation of Louis students with your performance and heart.

A huge thank you too to all our supporters who must be voiceless after their non-stop cheering and roaring today! Your school spirit and enthusiasm was second to none and was commented on numerous times by staff at Basketball Ireland and the referees.
