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You can get involved too! Active Healthy Living Week 2017

Tomorrow we start our Active Healthy Living Week. Being active has been proven to improve cognitive function – have a look at some of the following findings – * Cognitive function improves from small bouts of exercise * Children with reading difficulties benefit from physical activity including balance,timing & co-ordination * Physical activity in child-hood […]

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Active Healthy Living Week 2017

Here is the timetable for an incredibly busy schedule for our Active Healthy Living Week which takes place from Monday October 23rd to Friday October 27th. The activities take place during lunch break and the students are asked to wear their sports gear every day except Wednesday, as it is a half day so there […]


Maths Week 2017

It is Maths Week. You will find a myriad of references to Maths and how it impacts our lives everyday in the media this week. Here is a selection of useful and interesting websites to keep you informed and interested. In class this week students will be given a Maths question every day and teachers […]


Advice from the Far Side

Our posts on Facebook from high scoring past pupils are proving very popular. Here is Abigail Ibilola’s advice for all those in the Senior Cycle. Abigail has gone to study Law and Business in Maynooth. It’s an epic – but worth reading to the very end – students have foud her words very helpful. “Entering 6th […]

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TY Report October 6 2018

The TYs continue to be extremely busy. Last week saw them continuing with their self development course which takes place each Thursday morning. Using mentoring workshops and peer-based conversations “Create the Great in You” aims to provide young people with a space to explore how communication, collaboration and creativity can be applied to develop both […]


Louis Girls in the Sporting News.

Each week we will bring you news of our sporting events at school and keep you up to date with what is happening. This week saw the start of the basketball season in St Louis. Our senior team under the expert guidance of Kate O Byrne, ably assisted by Siobhán Higgins headed off to Crossmolina […]

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Lunchtime Activities at St Louis

Weekly Clubs and Activities The following activities are ongoing and take place every week until further notice.   Check the start times in the school, or contact the relevant teacher.  A house point is given to a student each time they attend that particular club/activity.   Monday Activity Time Year Teacher Where to meet & Important […]

Lovely Memories at Past Pupil Night

When the current students of St Louis headed home last Friday evening, a group of teachers gathered to transform the Chapel Hall into a warm atmospheric venue for the St Louis Past Pupils Cheese and Wine event. Almost 100 past pupils gathered to taste wines provided for the evening by Alan Mac Guinness, and cheeses […]