Link to live-stream of Awards Ceremonies 2023 Use Link above to live-stream St Louis Awards Ceremonies 2023. Junior Awards at 9:30 am & Senior Awards at 14:00
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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud News Posts contributed a whooping 217 entries. Use Link above to live-stream St Louis Awards Ceremonies 2023. Junior Awards at 9:30 am & Senior Awards at 14:00
The 6th year Year Book is now for sale, a beautiful keepsake of memories from your daughter’s St Louis school days. Go to shop section on the app to pay this fee.
The outcome of the Head Girl & Student Council elections were announced to an excited group of 5th years this morning. The results are as follows: Head Girl: Leah Kennedy, 5O Deputy Head Girl: Claire McCourt, 5U Student Council: Shamsa Abdullahi, 5L Nandi Mafa, 5O Shaunagh Moran, 5L Maryam Moyo, 5O Thanks […]
Today marks the #GoPurple Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign 2023. The initiative was created by Community Garda Stacey Looby, Athlone Garda Station to create national awareness of Domestic Violence and to consolidate community partnerships between Domestic Violence Services and An Garda Síochána. We ‘went purple’ yesterday in St Louis to show our support for this important initiative […]
“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!” Our LCA students were in fighting fit form recently during their Leisure & Recreation box fit classes with local trainers Stephen and Brandon Mulligan from Fighting Fit Dundalk. The classes coincided with the module Physical Activity for Health and Fitness which helps students through their participation, to […]
The first ever Le Chéile Student Symposium took place last month at Knock Shrine, Co Mayo. 10 of our TY students, accompanied by Mr Hoey, were in attendance along with 300 students from other Le Chéile schools from all over Ireland. Students took part in various workshops on the day that explored questions of faith, the history of […]
We had a wonderful visit to Trinity College Dublin with our second year group, their Year Heads Ms Mallon and Ms Finn and Guidance Team, Ms Rabbat and Ms Mee. This is our fifth Trinity School of Distinction award and it celebrates the excellent progression rates to Third level in our school and the creative and IT […]
Dundalk Rugby Football Club are running the annual IRFU and Canterbury Give it a Try Programme starting this coming Saturday at 11am. The programme runs for 8 weeks and is open to all girls aged from 8 to 16 years. If you are 16 or under you should definitely check this out – it promises to be […]
An Easter liturgy is planned for tomorrow at 3, it is an important event in the spiritual life of the school. We are hoping all students will attend and in so doing forge an even stronger community spirit of togetherness, mutual understanding & respect among those of the Catholic faith, other faiths or no faith. […]
Dear Parents/ Guardians, Please see attached a letter outling key developments & a request for parental support around compliance in a few aspects of behaviour that will improve life at school, for all students. Many thanks for your continued support, Michelle Dolan Principal Pdf-1
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