Uniform Requirements
School Uniform
- Green School jacket with waterproof exterior, fleece lined & St. Louis Crest
- St. Louis plaid skirt –mid-calf length
- Green School Trousers (optional)
- Green jumper with Dún Lughaidh logo
- 2 White Uniform Open-Necked Girls’ Blouses
- Green School Scarf
- Green Knee Socks or Green Tights
- School Bag for Books (heavy duty)
- Flat Black Shoes (not boots), all black, rubber soles – not wedged heels & not black canvas/runners
The school Uniform can be purchased in the following shops:
Factory Shop York Street
N.B. All above items should be very clearly marked with the name of the student in full.
Complete and correct uniform should be worn at all times.
Home Economics
PE Uniform