Guidance/Careers Department

Guidance Department Dara Mee

A careers/colleges fair is held annually in the first term to encourage aspirations and ease access to information from higher education institutions for senior students. A wide range of further and higher education providers attend, including Trinity College Dublin, Queen’s University Belfast with Dundalk based DkIT and O’Fiaich College featuring among the many options available to students, parents and guardians.

St Louis has two Guidance Counsellors. 

Pupils, parents and guardians are most welcome to contact the school Guidance Counsellors directly to acquire information relating to further and higher education, current progress or to discuss matters affecting the individual student.

Guidance Counsellor

Guidance classes for TY and senior cycle students provide a forum to facilitate the access of resources for career and further educational exploration. 

The foundation for any satisfying career trajectory is self awareness and students begin to consolidate their interests, aptitudes and ambitions in an encouraging environment.The career guidance programme includes differential aptitude tests, interest inventories and vocational guidance interviews to assist in identifying the individual pupil’s unique abilities and aspirations. 

Due consideration and exploration of the exciting educational opportunities supplied by Irish universities and Institutes of Technology (the CAO System) is given in class. Guest speakers from a variety of popular education providers give regular talks on options available and the newest developments in their respective campuses.

Students hoping for entry to the universities and colleges in the UK (the UCAS System) are also supported in the application process. 

The advent of Eunicas means that many more students are making application to colleges in continental Europe. Visiting international students are assisted as potential educational routes are identified and explored.

Guidance in St Louis aims to assist in transitions in the student’s life, from personal and educational to vocational.We recognise the support required at the various stages of your daughter’s educational and emotional development and aspire to respond to her individual needs as they arise.

CAO: Next Steps Guidance Presentation

Subject Choice Slides For Students

Some Links for Parents from the Guidance Department
