The Changing Face of Education


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In the last decade there have been so many changes in the delivery of Secondary Education in Ireland that we have created a section here to help you navigate the many changes made.

Most of you will have done the traditional Intermediate Certificate as it was called, or more recently the Junior Certificate.

In the last seven years the Dept of Education and Science has rolled out the New Junior Cycle for  the first three years of secondary school.

There have been some changes made in the Senior Cycle, including the introduction of some new subjects, including Technology and PE both of which are on offer in St Louis.

In the pages under this subheading you will find information on the curriculum whatever stage your child is at.

You will also find information about careers and guidance in St Louis and in Links a very helpful collection of links to information relating to all things parenting. Articles on internet safety, Túsla links, advice from Child psychologists, there is something there for everyone.

The information is regularly updated and as we are given links we add them to the list.

Click on any of the links below to discover more.