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Trinity School of Distinction 2023

The annual School of Distinction awards were held in a new venue this year, with schools celebrating their collective achievements in the Google Foundry, Grand Canal, Dublin. The event was launched by Dr Brendan Tangney of Trinity Access Programme and included Prof. Shane O Mara and Dermot Whelan as keynote and guest speakers. Awards were […]

French Exchange 2023

Last week we welcomed 17 students and 3 teachers from the ‘College Jean Monnet’ in Yssingeaux, France, who spent 5 days with their Irish partners and host families in Dundalk, as part of our French Exchange 2023. Our French visitors immersed themselves in St. Louis life and even got to see a Gaelic football match on Friday! The seven male […]

Mentors Needed

We are a Trinity School of Distinction for the sixth time. This means that we have been recognised by the university for our excellent progression to Third Level and other pathways, we have engaging and interactive teaching methodologies which nurture leadership, IT, and mentoring of our students to optimise their skill sets and confidence. Last year […]

St Louis students Leaving Cert Class of 2023 enjoy special experience in Africa on BT Young Scientist trip

https://www.independent.ie/regionals/louth/dundalk-news/louth-students-enjoy-special-experience-in-africa-on-bt-young-scientist-trip/a1510645039.html   We are proud to share news of our wonderful past pupils’ trip to Africa with Irish Aid: Jona, Iman & Claudine won the trip as a prize in the BT Young Scientist 2021 – see details in the link in the Irish Independent!

Science Week!

Our Transition Years were busy up in DkIT last week for Science Week! In teams, they were locked into an escape room with the goal of escaping before the clock ran out! They were tasked with analysing scientific information and solving a series of puzzles to stop an epidemic from happening! Well done everyone!

November We Remember

Today we gathered as a school community to recognise November to Remember. To pray for and remember all lost loved ones who have passed on from us. We hope that all those grieving and bereaved find comfort, hope and solace in difficult times.  We would like to thank Fr Patrick for sharing the occasion with […]

Maths Week!

We celebrated Maths Week recently in St. Louis! Among a range of activities that took place during the week, was the 5th year Maths Quiz which saw groups of students from each of the 5th year maths class go head to head to achieve top marks in a serious of rounds, including Problem Solving & […]

Alternative entry talk for 6th year parents and guardians!

As part of College Awareness Week this week, Trinity Access Programme will be hosting a nationwide 6th Year Parents & Guardians Evening for students in DEIS schools on Wednesday, November 22nd, from 6-7:30pm.  It will include discussions on the CAO process, College and Alternative Entry Routes such as HEAR, DARE, and Further Education routes to […]