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Le Chéile Day!

Tomorrow, Wednesday, we will celebrate Le Chéile Day, where we will focus on the theme of ‘The Gift of Gratitude’.  We will mark the day by creating awareness of ‘Gratitude’ and how practising gratitude regularly can have an amazing impact on our wellbeing!  Check out the noticeboard outside the staffroom tomorrow for some ideas & […]

UCD Entrance Scholars Awards

The President of UCD invited principal Michelle Dolan to a presentation ceremony on Tuesday, 27 February 2024, in UCD O’Reilly Hall, to mark the achievement of two students from the class of 2024 who both received entrance scholarships. A big congratulations to Iman Shittu – now an undergraduate studying Business & Law, and Niamh O’Donnell […]

Louth Enterprise Awards 2024!

The Louth Student Enterprise Awards took place on Tuesday in the Fairways hotel, Dundalk. Over 1,200 students from 18 schools participated in the programme, with the best projects from each school being represented at the finals this week. Well done to all of our TY students who took part in this programme as part of their Enterprise […]

Camogie Blitz!

Our camogie team travelled to the Kiltale GAA grounds in Co. Meath yesterday to compete in a blitz. They displayed excellent skill, team work and ‘Louis spirit’ and were victorious in each of their games! Well done girls!!

Architects in Schools workshops

Thank you to Ryan from IDIR Architects who completed two workshops with 5th year Technology students at the start of February. He gave the group insights into his own work and the students all created 3D artwork focusing on architectural elements. This was part of our schools participation in the ‘Architects in Schools’ programme. An […]

Full attendance Drive- 24 days in 2024!

Today is the first day of our special Attendance Drive- we have shared the details on the Fridge Magnet and social media… Get into school before 8:50 to be in with a chance to win €100 voucher for The Marshes Being in school  everyday & on time is the key to overall success!

Junior Volleyball, off to a great start

The First and Second Year Volleyball teams got off to a great start last week.  Their much anticipated first round ‘friendly’ match against Ardee was met with both anticipation and excitement. The first match went to three sets and proved a great learning experience for all concerned. The second match was decided in just two sets, but was equally as […]

Happy St. Brigid’s Day!

Happy St. Brigid’s Day! We were delighted to take part in the mass in Faughart church today – to join in celebrating the feast of St. Brigid with Bishop Michael Router and the local community. Ten students from our school took park in the liturgy with pupils from St. Vincent’s, school principals, Ms O’Meara and […]

Celebration and Thanksgiving for our dear Sisters of St Louis

The Sisters of St Louis celebrated 74 years of service in Dundalk on Saturday. The convent and the school welcomed past pupils and staff from every decade on Saturday morning, including past pupils who attended as Boarders in the 1950’s! St. Joseph’s Church, Fatima, was full to capacity with those who wished to give thanks […]