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Water issue resolved- school open tomorrow.

The water supply issue has been resolved- school open tomorrow. Thank you to all our students and staff for their understanding and co-operation when moving to online learning today.  Thank you to our caretaker, ancillary staff & Louth Co Co for their support too. Ms Dolan Principal  

School closed but online lessons will being at 8:50 today

Good morning, Louth County Council engineers reported that the leak on the Fatima Rd has been repaired overnight but we not have enough water in our systems to safely open this morning.  Teachers will be online,  at the usual class times, using Google Classroom or Google meets to communicate with students and set relevant work. […]

European Day of Languages 2023 – Let’s celebrate our native languages on Tuesday 26th!

https://edl.ecml.at/Home/tabid/1455/language/en-GB/Default.aspx Spreagtar 700 milliún Eorpach a bhfuil ionadaíocht acu i 46 mballstát de chuid na Comhairle Eorpaí le tuilleadh teangacha a fhoghlaim, is cuma cén aois iad agus is cuma an ar scoil nó lasmuigh di. Is deimhin leis an gComhairle Eorpach go gcuireann éagsúlacht teanga tuiscint idirchultúrtha chun cinn agus gur cuid thábhachtach d’oidhreacht […]

What’s happening outside the classroom this week? See Curricular & Extra curricular events for students & parents

Monday 25th – See Canteen Menu attached – Free healthy Breaksfast every morning from 8 am : Eggs Toast Yogurt Porridge Banana bread… 8:30 -14:30 Senior Gaelic match vs St Vincent’s 12:05 SVP Talk All TYS 1:10 Munch Bunch Book Club in St Joseph’s reading hub 1:10 Senior Council meeting Principal 16:00 After-school detention   […]

We have future entrepreneurs in our midst!

Our Transition Year students have returned victorious from DkIT today following their participation in the Entrepreneurial programme. The group of students pictured saw off stiff competition from Greenhills in Drogheda and De La Salle College as they impressed the judges with their presentation. Well done to all groups who pitched their product ideas to the […]

Parenting Course Starts Tues 26th Sept 4 places left!

Hi Parents The Parenting course in St Louis will start on Tues 26th – there are 4 places still available. If you are available and considering this parenting course please contact Marie on 089 4121704 to book your place, all parents are welcome. This course will help you navigate parenting teenagers and children to create […]

Autism course for Parents

Hi Parents There is an autism course starting next week in Dundalk, if you would like to register click on the link below. All details are listed there. https://www.middletownautism.com/package/parents/autism-and-the-primary-school-programme-dundalk-co-louth-for-parents

TeamHope Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2023

Good afternoon, As you may be aware from previous years the TeamHope Christmas Shoebox Appeal is an annual campaign sending gift filled shoeboxes from Ireland to children affected by poverty across Africa and Eastern Europe. Every Christmas Shoebox brings so much joy, love and hope. Often these shoeboxes are the only gift that a child will receive […]