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Elections today

Please make time to vote today, especially our 1st time voters in 6th year! The right to vote freely is something for which our ancestors fought and, in some cases, gave their lives. Decisions today will impact our school, communities & our own lives in the future months & years.

Exams tomorrow!

Good luck to all our St Louis students beginning exams tomorrow morning. All 3rd Years sitting in the school Gym – please access & leave via Fatima Gate to keep the school quiet for Senior students who sit longer exams. Please do not  be tempted to leave exams before the 2 hours available- parents will […]

Ten foot puppet visits Dundalk

Last Wednesday ‘Amal’, the ten foot puppet representing a Syrian child refugee, came for a quick visit to Dundalk. St. Louis was very well represented by both current pupils, Anhelina, Tamzin and Grace, past pupil Róisín Ward Morrow and teachers and past parents in Setanta Choir at the ceremony to welcome her to town! It was […]

Fundraising for Dundalk Dog Rescue!

Well done to 3rd year students Niamh Lawrence & Kate McEneaney who raised €236.55 for Dundalk Dog Rescue    with their bake sale last week. The girls baked all their own goodies for the sale. Bobby from Dundalk Dog Rescue arrived with his 5 rescued pooches to collect the girls’ donation. Bobby was very impressed […]

Incoming Senior Council Elected!

Let us introduce you to our recently elected and incoming Senior Council for the 2024-25 school year. We heard speeches from 19 candidates in 5th year for the role of Head Girl, Deputy Head Girl and members of the Senior Council. Each candidate spoke passionately about why they would be a good representative for their […]

Class of 2024 Graduation!

Our 6th year students have had a lot of ‘lasts’ recently, culminating in our final celebrations in the form of their Graduation Ceremony on Monday evening. We welcomed the Class of 2024, accompanied by their families and loved ones, into our Chapel Hall one last time. It was a beautiful evening of celebration – our […]

Guidance ‘Squiggly Careers’ Morning

We were delighted to welcome the expertise and experience of six guests who talked about their varied and evolving career paths. Students were privy to their decision making and the journeys they have navigated as women, mothers and professionals.  Through these insights, students recognise the changing employment landscape, their ability to pivot, the importance of connecting with their skills, talents and […]