Assessment in TransitionYear consists of 5 main areas:
- Attendance (10%)
- Work Experience (15%) – 3 placements.
- Interview (10%) – Mentors will interview their mentees at the end of the year ( May ).
- Portfolio (25%) – A record of all extracurricular activities should be recorded and your Mentor will correct these in your eportfolio. A correction template will be provided. This template will list all the reports needed, dates of activities, attendance of students on that day plus the marks allocated for each report.
- Each subject teacher’s report (40%) – Each subject teacher monitors your work throughout the Whole Year/Module, and will give a result out of 100% based on all your work ( continual assessment ).
Award Sytem
- Distinction: 90-100
- Merit: 65-89
- Pass: 50-64
- Not Achieved: 0-49
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St Louis Secondary School
Castletown Road,
Co. Louth
We are a Registered Charity
No: 20204300
t 042 9334474
Office Opening Hours
Office Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm Wednesday 8.30am - 4.00pm
School Opening Hours
School Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 8.50am - 3.50pm
Wednesday at 8.50am - 1.05pm